Monday, May 23, 2011


Write something from your heart he says, but what should it be?

Should I tell you about how I'm still scared about being hurt? That I'm not sure that I've ever really loved something like they talk about in the movies? Should I talk about the empty space in my heart that was carved out when he left me? Or that I'm afraid no one will ever be able to fit in the space again?

My heart hurts from the weight of all this. My dad's gone, but I hide it from my heart. My husband left, but I hide it from my heart. I speak the words of a man so confident in his place in the world, but that's not in my heart. If my heart knows these things, it would break and shatter into thousands of pieces and be scattered by the wind, never being able to be rebuilt. The Wizard can't give me a heart, no magic spell can undo that.

So, I hide my heart and keep it safe. But it's also unaccessible from any one that wants to help it mend. But can they fix it? The question remains, do I break down the walls, expose my heart for the world to see and hope that someone can mend it before someone else rips it from my chest.

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