Monday, May 23, 2011

That spark

Your blood flows faster, your world slows, and goes dim, and your body chills in anticipation of the moment. Your faces move closer, drawn by an invisible string, then that spark. It doesn't start, as most people think, at the lips. It starts in the heart, it flows outward using the arteries, each place it touches becomes another spark. And as you stand there, holding one another, lips pressed...the sparks fill you both, then the room, and then the world outside. And inside the spark, time is stopped and you know then what it's like to exist as one singular person combined from two. And then the spark fades away, and you open your eyes at the same time and you feel so safe and at home with each other and you know that what you two have shared is something unique, and you will be always searching for the feelings you just felt.

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