Saturday, May 28, 2011

It's complicated...

So I changed my facebook relationship to it's complicated. And it got me thinking about my whole outlook on relationships now. I've attracted some polyamourous boys lately and I must admit the concept is quite interesting. So you've got this guy and he's with someone in a relationship but they're also with another person, or maybe with more than that. And the whole idea is that they can love more than one person, have more than one relationship and even get different levels of emotional support from them. And it's all completely out there and in the open, he's honest about it with everyone and he said it works.

And I think to myself, how on earth could this actually work? Back about 6 or 7 years ago, I knew a guy who was in a relationship with 2 other guys. They lived together, went out together (sometimes all 3, sometimes just 2 guys) and it worked for awhile. I guess that was the first time I ever encountered a non-traditional relationship.

I've had a threesome before, but that was more about the sex and less about the relationship. And, it was fun, but can I share my heart with more than 1 person? Am I okay with another sharing his heart with another? I think I have the answer, and it's yes. If I had 2 or 3 kids, would I not be able to love them all? Is love any different when it's for your blood? I love all my friends and the world doesn't end. Yes, I love them all on different levels, and I think the kids are the same way (despite what some parents say)

So, instead of complaining that my life is becoming far more complex, I'm running with it. And I love this guy and he loves me, but we are not limiting ourselves to being open to loving others. Our hearts are big enough to let others share them.

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